61st ANNUAL DINNER – 30 April 2024


Annual Dinner 2024

The Annual Dinner is taking place on Wednesday 30th April 2024 at White’s in St James’s.

Members will be delighted to know that Sir Nicholas Coleridge CBE DL (Provost-Elect) has kindly accepted our invitation to be the Guest Speaker.

The cost includes pre-dinner champagne, wine and port, and a three course meal.

Members are encouraged to bring one guest, who must be an Old Etonian, though not necessarily a member of the Club.

The AGM precedes the dinner and will start at 7.00pm.


To sign up if you are a member

  1. Please click this link (ENTRIES CLOSED)
  2. Sign in to your OER&TC account
  3. Fill out and submit the form

Please apply via the online form as soon as possible to save your place to join us for another hugely social evening, numbers are limited and applications will be treated on a first-come first-served basis.

UPDATE 29/2/24: Please email members@oertc.com to be put on the event waiting list

To sign up if you are a non-member

You need to be an OER&TC member to sign up for the event so please

  1. Express your interest via the form
  2. Apply to join the OER&TC via the How to Join section.